



  This fireproof cables are suitable for fixed installation and laying, mainly used in variable kinds of building fire protection system, emergency system, power transmission and distribution system in public safety area and high temperature places, etc. such as coal chemical, petrochemical, ferrous metallurgy, ship, power, medical, glass and paper manufacturing industry, public and commercial high-rise building, underground building, hotel, hospital, shopping mall, indoor logistics warehouse, post & telecommunication center, museum and memorial hall. Infrastructure airport terminal, railway and bus station, axis center, port, metros system and tunnel, oil and gas station timber architecture, etc.

  執(zhí)行標準:JG/T 313-2014、GB/T 34926-2017

型號 電壓等級 名稱
YTTW 500V 銅芯軋紋銅護套無機礦物絕緣控制電纜
Copper conductor inorganic mineral insulated copper sheathed flexible fireproof control cable
YTTWV 銅芯軋紋銅護套無機礦物絕緣聚氯乙烯外套控制電纜
Copper conductor inorganic mineral insulated copper sheathed ,PVC outer sheathed flexible fireproof control cable
WD-YTTWY 銅芯軋紋銅護套無機礦物絕緣無鹵低煙聚烯烴外套控制電纜
Copper conductor inorganic mineral insulated copper sheathed ,LSZH outer sheathed flexible fireproof control cable
YTTW 0.6/1kV 銅芯軋紋銅護套無機礦物絕緣電力電纜
Copper conductor inorganic mineral insulated copper sheathed flexible fireproof power cable
YTTWV 銅芯軋紋銅護套無機礦物絕緣聚氯乙烯外套電力電纜
Copper conductor inorganic mineral insulated copper sheathed ,PVC outer sheathed flexible fireproof power cable
WD-YTTWY 銅芯軋紋銅護套無機礦物絕緣無鹵低煙聚烯烴外套電力電纜
Copper conductor inorganic mineral insulated copper sheathed ,LSZH outer sheathed flexible fireproof power cable
RTTZ 450/750V 銅芯云母帶礦物絕緣波紋銅護套控制電纜
Copper conductor inorganic mineral insulated copper sheathed flexible fireproof control cable
RTTVZ 銅芯云母帶礦物絕緣波紋銅護套聚氯乙烯外護套控制電纜
Copper conductor inorganic mineral insulated copper sheathed ,PVC outer sheathed flexible fireproof control cable
WD-RTTYZ 銅芯云母帶礦物絕緣波紋銅護套無鹵低煙聚烯烴外護套控制電纜
Copper conductor inorganic mineral insulated copper sheathed ,LSZH outer sheathed flexible fireproof control cable
RTTZ 0.6/1kV 銅芯云母帶礦物絕緣波紋銅護套電力電纜
Copper conductor inorganic mineral insulated copper sheathed flexible fireproof power cable
RTTVZ 銅芯云母帶礦物絕緣波紋銅護套聚氯乙烯外護套電力電纜
Copper conductor inorganic mineral insulated copper sheathed ,PVC outer sheathed flexible fireproof power cables
WD-RTTYZ 銅芯云母帶礦物絕緣波紋銅護套無鹵低煙聚烯烴外護套電力電纜
Copper conductor inorganic mineral insulated copper sheathed ,LSZH outer sheathed flexible fireproof power cable
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