



  These MgO mineral insulated cable is suitable for power supply system of industrial, civil and commercial buildings requiring high fire protection. In case of fire, this cable can provide safe and reliable power supply within the specified time to ensure personal and property safety. It can also be used for cable wiring in high temperature, corrosion, nuclear radiation and other harsh environments.

  Firefighting and civil are defense engineering, including power supply for the elevator, fire pump, fire alarm, smoke exhaust system, emergency lighting and other fire facilities.

  Power supply of equipment and lighting system in important buildings or densely populated buildings, including memorial hall, museum and other historic buildings, public entertainment places, bank, post and telecommunication building, high-rise building, hospital, school, institution, station, airport, underground, petrochemical and other important warehouse, hotel, subway tunnel and underground square.

  Power supply for important inflammable and explosive occasions, power plant, nuclear power plant and other important equipment. Including transmission and distribution lines used in petrochemical industry, power plant, offshore oil platform, nuclear power station, refinery, coal industry, oil & gas engineering, chemical industry, etc.

  Places with high ambient temperature, including iron and steel and other metallurgical industry, coke industry, shipbuilding industry, other high temperature transmission and distribution lines.

  執(zhí)行標(biāo)準(zhǔn):GB/T 13033-2007

型號 電壓等級 名稱
BTTQ 500V 輕型銅芯銅護(hù)套礦物絕緣電纜
Copper conductor, mineral insulated, copper sheathed cable
BTTVQ 輕型銅芯銅護(hù)套礦物絕緣聚氯乙烯外套電纜
Copper conductor, mineral insulated, copper sheathed, PVC outer sheathed cable
WD-BTTYQ 輕型銅芯銅護(hù)套礦物絕緣無鹵低煙聚烯烴外套電纜
Copper conductor, mineral insulated, copper sheathed, LSZH outer sheathed cable
BTTZ 750V 重型銅芯銅護(hù)套礦物絕緣電纜
Copper conductor, mineral insulated, copper sheathed cables
BTTVZ 重型銅芯銅護(hù)套礦物絕緣聚氯乙烯外套電纜
Copper conductor, mineral insulated, copper sheathed, PVC outer sheathed cable
WD-BTTYZ 重型銅芯銅護(hù)套礦物絕緣無鹵低煙聚烯烴外套電纜
Copper conductor, mineral insulated, copper sheathed,  LSZH outer sheathed cable
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